The Benefits of Hot and Cold Stone Massage Therapy

With the application of water-heated basalt stones, hot stone therapy targets keypoints on the body, giving a deep massage that creates a sensation of comfort and warmth, Warm stones expand the blood vessels, helping to move blood faster round the body.

The benefits of hot stone massage include:

 Deep relaxation, the warmth relaxes both physically and mentally.

The heat is transferred from the stones to the body and it can reach up to 3 – 4 cm into the muscle.

Stress is reduced, relieving mental and physical fatigue.

Circulation is improved and muscles have an increased blood supply, improving function.

Toxins and waste are eliminated more quickly.

The warmth can relieve pain in muscles and joints.

Tension in connective tissue is released.

There is a deep comfort of receiving warmth on the body.

The direct heat that hot stone therapy provides, relaxes muscles allowing manipulation of a greater intensity than with regular massage.

A Hot Stone therapy massage expands the blood vessels and pushes blood and unwanted waste materials through the body.

The benefits of cold stone massage:

Refreshes and stimulates the mind.

Helps to relieve tissue congestion e.g.: The sinuses and Eustachian tubes.

Soothes skin and muscular irritation.

Cools down the body on a warm day or during hot flushes.

Ensures that every cell in the body receives more oxygen and nutrients.

Increases Lymphatic flow.

The use of chilled stones can also be used to treat muscular injury.